Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What I Wore in the Snow!

Outfit Details: Jacket: Moda; Sweater: American Rag; Scarf: Korean Street Vendor; Sweater Leggings: Amazon; Socks: H&M; Snow Boots: Thinsulate 

I'm not going to lie, I love my sweater leggings. So does everyone else from California to Idaho--some people tell me directly, others tell their friends within my ear shot, and then some straight up objectify within my sister's earshot. I'll take it!

We're loving our snow trip so far! Matt is always so warm, and I am always sooo cold, so it's extra fun to cuddle (as if I need an excuse!).

♥ Shannon


  1. Seriously, those legging are SO AWESOME!! :O

    1. Thanks, Lizelle! I was pretty darn excited when I found them!
