Tuesday, January 1, 2013

365 Days of Shannon

I love projects and challenges. No secret there. I think it's because after 20 years of schooling, I only know how to complete assignments, so I create them for myself! As soon as I read Elsie's invitation to do a 365 Project, I was hooked.
My goal is to take a self portrait every day in 2013. I'm hoping this will encourage me to carry cameras with me more often, learn how to use them confidently, and grow more creative with my photography composition.

In addition, it will help motivate me to wear something more than yoga clothes and a messy bun! Maybe.

Are you doing a project this year?

♥ Shannon


  1. One of my goals for the year is to take more picture in general, learn more and improve my photography skills, and be more confident in myself so that I feel comfortable in front of the camera. I will definitely be following your "assignment" for encouragement and motivation!

    1. I also want to take more pictures in general. And actually learn how to use my camera! I'm hoping this challenge will help me with that!

  2. That is a great goal. It will be fun to see your photos. I don't think a 365 photo challenge would work for me, I'm not very good at remembering to take photos. I am trying to take one small little photo every day and it is easier now that I have instagram so I can just get a quick shot. Good luck on your challenge!

    1. I'm already noticing that I fall into the "oops it's late--what can I take a picture of with my phone!". I'm hoping I'll start carrying a real camera around with me more!
