Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy Monday: A Bit of My Morning

Hello loves! It's day one of my tropical yoga retreat with Kathryn Budig (um, hello, have you seen her sensational Toe Sox ad??), and it's divine. I just wanted to give you a little peek at what my morning looked like:
I've got another fun outfit post coming up this week, and tomorrow I want to see what YOU are doing! Link up your fall crafts and I'll post my favorites here on Little Luck Tree.

I'm feelin' a lot of love and gratitude right now, and you know what? That extends to you.

That's right, I love you. Yeah, you.

♥ Shannon

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos! And the size of that lizard! o_O!
    Hehe, looks like a lovely start to the day, hope it continues like that xx
