Monday, January 21, 2013

Busy Time of Year!

So in the acting world I'm learning that you don't really get a vacation except *maybe* between Christmas and New Year's, but then you better get back quick and hit the ground running!
I came back from my snow trip and took new headshots the next day, then immediately ordered post cards and prints to get in some networking while this season's shows are still filming. I'm also taking a great workshop and getting ready to shoot my new demo reel, meanwhile prepping for and going out on auditions. So busy and unpredictable! I kind of love it.

I will say a fun part of being SAG-AFTRA is that I get to vote for the SAG Awards. I'm taking my job as voter very seriously! Yesterday I thought I was going to write some postcards whilst I watched "The Impossible", but instead I sat there in rapt attention, weeping and pulling out my hair. Amazing movie. I mean, Jennifer Lawrence is adorable in "Silver Linings Playbook", but go watch Naomi Watts and tell me there is a comparison! And I haven't even gotten to "Zero Dark Thirty" or "Rust and Bone" yet--great talents to watch!

How is your January going so far?

♥ Shannon

1 comment:

  1. I think it is so awesome that you are following you dream to be an actress. And you are gorgeous!
