Monday, December 31, 2012

Holiday Art Journal: Resolutions

Ah New Year's Resolutions. I think of these as an opportunity to hone in on my goals, to focus on just a few things I really want to accomplish so that I will remember to pursue those goals throughout the year.
I suggest keeping your resolutions attainable and enjoyable. Losing 20 pounds sounds awful, but trying new dance classes or finding a great hiking route sound like fun, see?
If you make your resolutions the journey instead of the goal, you won't be disappointed. For instance, I WANT to be able to do handstand in the middle of room, but I won't be able to do it if I don't practice yoga. Instead of making handstand my resolution, yoga is my resolution--that way I'll set myself up for success!

What are your New Year's Eve resolutions?

♥ Shannon

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