Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Holiday Art Journal: Holiday Recipes!

I think we can all agree on something. Holidays mean delicious foods!
My mom called me up and insisted I write down this recipe for an easy, healthy, and delicious soup. So I did exactly what she told me to do. I think I'll enjoy the memory of her call later when I look at this page. Go find a recipe you'd like to try--you can print it, write it down, tear it out of a magazine--and add it to your book.
For today, I played with a variety of different materials. I started with a little collage of clippings from a Christmas advertisement, then added on little details like decorated tape and stickers.
I journaled a bit about what holiday foods mean to me. Start to experiment with adding details to your journaling notes. Here, I did a simple dotted line as a border.
I let the dotted border trickle onto my second page along the line of tape, and just threw in a stamped title for fun.

Bonus points for trying out your recipe and including a picture! You can create memories of cooking with (and for!) your loved ones!

What are your favorite winter foods?

♥ Shannon

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