Friday, January 13, 2012

What I Wore: Fancy Treehouse

Wow! So. I'm buried in boxes. Don't panic--every day there are less and less boxes. And soon we will even have internet! But seriously, moving is kind of a big deal. Don't let anyone tell you that moving isn't a big deal, okay?
Outfit details: Skirt: Fancy Treehouse; Blouse: American Rag Cie; Pumps: Rockport; Watch: Fossil

I unpacked my clothes first. Yeah. Before silverware. That happened.

Moving out of the woods of Maryland into the city of Los Angeles has been a huge change. I mean, I used to take pictures of my outfits in the I take them in parking lots.

But more poignantly, it's the first time that Matt and I have been able to pursue creative ventures full time. He's finishing up his first week in film school, and I was just cast in a play here in Hollywood. Thank you to everyone who expressed their interest and support in my new career venture--per your request, I'll keep you updated.

♥ Shannon


  1. That's so exciting! I can't wait to hear more about the play.

    And that skirt is so beautiful. Love the color!

  2. That skirt is SO gorgeous on you! That color is to die for.

  3. gorgeous! I see that you like vegan recipes, me too!! We should be friends :D

    love, polly

  4. Congrats! So excited for you! Also, you are gorgeous. And love the green with stripes combo. So pinning that. :)
