Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy November!

Can anyone believe that it is already November? Today my sister, Bonnie, and I were having a talk about how much we have to be thankful for--I plan on making this whole month one of giving thanks. I have a few tutorials planned to help you do the same! In the meantime, here is a lovely craft from V and Co:
These are wax paper and crayon leaves! I just love it! Check out the full tutorial here.

What are you thankful for today?

♥ Shannon


  1. Hi Shannon- I'm thankful for health, family and friends. We should all be more thankful!

  2. happy november! cute tutorial :)

  3. Really Nice! Can't realize November is there already!
    I am thankful for the support I receive every day on my blogs as well as for my life, health, family, husband, friends, writing passion and dreams!

  4. Jules and MarieHarmony, I love the things you're thankful for! Isn't it strange how easy it is to lose perspective?
