Friday, August 19, 2011

We're moving!

Matt, Artemis, and I will be packing up and moving West--with just a few (months of) stops along the way. We'll make it to our new apartment in Los Angeles by Christmas, but in the meantime I'll be living out of a suitcase and dreaming about decor like this....
Image via Elle Spain
I love a fresh take on primary colors. Isn't that blue couch precious?

Don't forget--you have a few more days to enter for free ad space here on Little Luck Tree!

♥ Shannon


  1. My little family is moving too! I totally feel your pain lol!!!! Good luck...Sending awesome moving vibes your way...even though I'm sure you wish they were mov-ers!!!

  2. If you are going to be driving through Utah and Salt Lake City, LET ME KNOW! I'll totally take you to lunch :)
