Thursday, June 23, 2011

National Pink Day

So. Did you know that today is National Pink Day? Thanks to miss erika over at pinksuedeshoe, I've been celebrating all week, and in honor of what should clearly be one of the most prestigious holidays out there (due to cheerfulness alone), here are some shots of pink from my home:
I have quite a few pink objects in the kitchen, due mostly to the array of Breast Cancer Awareness merchandise, but also because pink is such a nice, lovely color.
This bright pink souvenir was from a crazy rafting trip Matt and I went on in Thailand.
Have you seen this book? My dear friend, Sam, gave it to me in college. It's very inspiring. Another one of my sweet friends, Brandi, was my roommate in college and we would take turns leaving the pages open to send a message to one another.
I love collecting poetry books from the countries I visit. This version of Keats' Endimione has English on one page and Italian on the other.
My mat for cutting paper. So bright!
This was my first vintage tea cup, and my budding Alice in Wonderland collection.
I could have chosen any color for my sewing machine. Pink was the choice!
So Happy Pink Day, loves! Make sure you check out the week-long celebration over at pinksuedeshoe, especially the fun giveaway!

♥ Shannon


  1. Just wanted to thank you for your lovely blog! I work in an office full of guys, so it's a treat to read and indulge in my extreme girly-girl side at lunch. Thank you!

  2. Thank YOU, Gillian! Your compliment just made my whole day. Also, I was in the Air Force, so I totally know what you mean about what a treat it is to enjoy pretty things!

  3. Um, we have the same handmixer and pink cutting mat. Both were gifts from Scott in the past year. Love the cookbook collection, I'm going to have to start paying attention to those!
