Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Things to do to a T-Shirt

I had some scraps leftover after making my necklace, so I decided to continue playing with accessories. In this case, flowered hair barrettes. I like them because they are so versatile!
Things you'll need: Fabric scraps (cut into circles), small piece of felt, alligator clips, glue gun.
What to do: Fold & glue the fabric into a cone, the start adding more circles, gluing at the base to keep the petal shape you like.

When you've made your flower, glue the alligator clip between the felt and the flower.
Voila! I love this craft because it's such an easy way to accessorize your hair. The more flowers you add, the more dramatic the look. Use bigger circles, bright colors, make a wreath!
♥ Shannon

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