Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tutorial Tuesday!

Are your bulbs peeking up out of the earth? Mine are! After my first winter in Maryland, I quickly learned that daffodils are the first sign of spring! To celebrate them, I took a little leaf out of Martha Stewart's book and made this cute craft (if you've got a green thumb, try out Martha's basket!)--here are the easy steps!
What you'll need: A basket, some fake flowers, some little chicks, some moss (all available for less than $15 at a craft store), and a few things from home: cardboard, scissors, and an old towel/sheet.
Step 1: Place the towel inside the basket.
Step 2: Cut a circle out of the cardboard; it should be a little smaller than the basket.
Step 3: Poke some holes in the cardboard--these can be random (or calculated if you're clever!)
Step 4: Place the cardboard into the basket on top of the towel. It should rest flat about 2-3 inches below the top of the basket.
Step 5: Arrange the flowers by poking the stems into the holes. Cover the cardboard with moss.
Step 6: Arrange your little chicks in their new home! Cute!

So excited for spring! Dresses without tights, walks in the sun, picnics...what are you looking forward to?

♥ Shannon

1 comment:

  1. What can you do with dream catchers?
    How about a nightstand? I need a nightstand for my bedroom, but I want it to look cool...
    How about a fun decorative piece for a bathroom?
