Monday, March 7, 2011

Things to do to a T-Shirt: Mardi Gras

I've been remixing my wardrobe, which means I'm recycling out old clothes to make room for new ones. This has made me realize a few things:

1. I had...let's call it bold tastes in fashion when I was in high school.
2. This means I have exciting fabrics to create things out of.

So for this installation of Things to do to a T-Shirt, let's talk about making a wreath.
This is a super easy--and cheap--project. I picked up a 99¢ cardboard wreath form from the craft store, cut strips of fabric out of the shirt, and glued it on there with my new-favorite-toy (the glue gun).
I like minimal wreaths, so I just added a silly mask and some beads and pop! Mardi Gras decor for pennies. It was a quick project that I finished whilst skyping with my dear friend, Jess.

Pssst, there was some fabric left over. Stay tuned for a fabric flower tutorial!


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