Thursday, March 17, 2011

{Please Help} For Japan With Love

The numbers of displaced personnel in Japan is estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands, but you can help!
Utterly Engaged has organized a great event to fundraise for ShelterBox.
For Japan With Love has a direct link on the website to their fundraising page for ShelterBox. ShelterBox was one of THE first organizations asked by Japan to help and were on hand on the Saturday after the quake. Each large, green ShelterBox is tailored to a disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, water storage and purification equipment, cooking utensils, a stove, a basic tool kit, a children’s activity pack and other vital items. 
Anyone that has a blog can help out with this one.The aim is just raise awareness and respect and acknowledge the devastation going on in Japan.
The guidelines are simple:
1. This coming Friday, March 18th, no posts at all on your blog.
2. Blog about this beforehand.
3. Tweet and Re-Tweet this link:
4. Encourage your readers to contribute to donate shelter to Japan. Whatever anyone can contribute will be appreciated. Every little bit helps.
Thanks to Promise for spreading the word. 
This might also be a great time to look into helping out locally in your community. Through service, we become better selves.
♥ Shannon

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