Friday, February 18, 2011

What happens when you let a girl play with your toys

So a great thing about having a fiance who is into technology is that whenever he upgrades, I get to steal his old things. Here are a few shots of my current desktop set-up.
And here is a close-up of my wallpaper (one of my favorites pieces by Viet-My Bui. The girl is an artistic genius. The icons are courtesy of AzureSol. deviantART makes me happy!
Here is how Matt had his iMac configured (and an example of one of his typical wallpaper choices!):

Matt's Rig, originally uploaded by MattsMacintosh.

 MacTrek, originally uploaded by MattsMacintosh.

Boys and their toys!
♥ Shannon


  1. You make my old setup look really lame.

  2. I love your set up! So dainty and feminine, it's inspiring me to get some pink on my desk :) I'm a subscriber of Matt's so that's how I found your blog and I'm glad he told us about it! Your style is adorable. Can I ask where you found those lovely curtains? I feel like I need some color in my workspace.

    PS, you two are just the bees knees! Congratulations on the engagement :)

    Hope all is well

  3. Thanks, boys!

    Stefanie, your comment made me smile! The curtains were my first sewing project--fabric was from Jo-Ann Fabrics (such a quick, easy project for just a few bucks).
