Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tutorial Tuesday

Today I made myself a lavender eye pillow and I thought I'd show you how to make one, too! They are quite simple, and a perfect use of fabric scraps!
Things you'll need: rice or flaxseed, herbs (optional--I used lavender), rule, scissors, sewing pins, needle and thread, sewing machine (optional, but ideal), fabric scraps: one for lining (muslin or cotton) and one for the outer pillow (something soft--I used a soft satin blend).
Step 1: Cut a 9 x 6 inch rectangle out of the lining.
Step 2: Fold in half lengthwise and pin edges together, leaving one short end unpinned.
Step 3: Sew the edges together (I used a zig zag stitch). Turn inside out.
Step 4: Measure about 2/3 cup rice. Add herbs to preference and mix.
Step 5: Fill inner pillow about 3/4 full (I made a makeshift funnel out of a scrap piece of paper). You want to leave a little bit of space in the pillow for flexibility. Sew the open edge shut.
Step 6: Cut a 10 x 7 inch rectangle out of the satin. Fold in half lengthwise with right sides in. Pin two edges and sew. Turn right side out. Iron smooth and flat.
Step 7: Slide inner pillow into satin case. 
Step 8: Fold rough edges in and iron. Use a slip stitch to close the hole.
Step 9: You're done! Enjoy.


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