Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tutorial Tuesday

Make fingerless gloves in minutes out of an old sweater! Or in my case, a pretty cute sweater with an unfortunate stain...
What you'll need: a sweater and scissors (do note said unfortunate stain...)
Step 1: Put on the sweater and get decide how long you want your gloves to be.
Step 2: Take off the sweater, take a breath, and cut! Give yourself a little room for error, but this cut will determine the length of your gloves.
Step 3: Measure your gloves so they are the same length.
Step 4: Put on the glove and measure where you want the hole for the thumb. This is typically about an inch above the cuff. I rotated mine to utilize the fun zipper.
 Step 5: Cut out the thumb holes, and you're done!
 Step 6: Rock 'em. Rock 'em hard.
Now what to do with the rest of this sweater?

♥ Shannon

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