Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Absence

Oh Gentle Readers! (Saplings, I believe?). I just wanted to give you a quick post to let you know that I have been out of state at my family's home to celebrate the life of my grandfather who passed away on Sunday. It has been truly beautiful, filled with both sadness and joy, but especially with love.

I'll be in the woods (both figuratively and metaphorically!) until Thursday the 4th, so in the meantime Matt will be helping out with guest posts and I will pop in whenever the neighbor's wifi signal is strong...

In the meantime, go call someone up and tell them how much you love them. It's a great feeling!

♥ Shannon

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Best Camera Ever

Hello Little Luck Treeians! (Treeites? Treeers? Saplings?) First, you should now this isn’t Shannon. She’s a little busy right now so this is her supportive fiancé Matthew filling in. When approaching the challenge of writing a post for a female orientated design/craft/fashion blog I must admit I was at a loss on what to write about, but then I figured: when in doubt stick with what you know. So lets talk about cameras, photos and capturing moments.

Shannon and I both love taking pictures (I’m basically the staff fashion photographer for LittleLuckTree... a position that doesn’t pay well but comes with some great perks). We definitely don’t have a shortage when it comes to cameras. Digital, Film, Instant; everything for the very expensive to the very cheap.  But what is the most import thing about photography? Its not the lenses or pixel count or focus points- Its the moment you are capturing. Case in point, the images below. They are some of the best I’ve ever taken. Captured moments after I proposed to Shannon, I simply held out my iPhone and snapped some shots in rapid succession. Honest smiles, the sparkle in Shannon’s eyes, the relief on my face... a true captured moment.  So, like the saying goes, and I have found to be true: The best camera is the one you have with you.

So ends my first post on Little Luck Tree. I think I did alright. So what are some of your favorite moments you’ve captured with whatever camera you had on you?


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tutorial Tuesday: Grow Your Own Cat Grass

Fellow pet lovers!

Do you also find yourself keeping your feline companion in the home against her wishes? Try to make it up to her by buying cat grass at PetCo and then promptly killing said grass? Worry not. This system is easy, and it actually works!
What you'll need:
* Vermiculite (organic, if you please)
* Bird seed (I used Wild Bird Center Premium Feed; your local nursery can help you with suggestions)
* 3 small pots or containers

Step 1: Put vermiculite into one pot, filling to within 1" of the top.
Step 2: Sprinkle a thin layer of the bird seed over the vermiculite. Just enough to coat the surface. Add some water--just enough to wet the vermiculite without making it float. Place on a sunny windowsill.
Step 3: It will only take about a week and a half to grow (maybe more in cold weather). Once you have about 2" of growth, start another pot. Then, once the second pot has 2" of growth, start the third. This way you have a nice rotation of fresh grass for kitty.
Step 4: Place the fresh grass near your furry friend's food dish so she gets the point. She'll know when she needs to eat her veggies (cats are smart like that!).

Remember, felines are carnivores, but the grass seems to help them with digestion. Wild and domestic cats will naturally turn to it, so make sure you keep it available (and pesticide free!) for your indoor cat!

♥ Shannon

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Thought

Hello friends. I have been contemplating life and how we spend our moments. I thought that on this Monday I would leave you with a beautiful quote from Mary Oliver, my personal hero.
There is still time to make this day wonderful. Go on!

♥ Shannon

Saturday, July 23, 2011

What I Wore: Summer Scarf

I had fun playing with an updo today. Matt loves when I part my hair to the side, and I just love to comply...
Outfit Details: Dress: American Rag; Sunglasses: Fossil; Scarf/Bracelet: Forever21; Cocktail Ring: Express; Bag: Target; Heels:  Xhileration

Is anyone else feeling the heat? Hair up and summer dress are a must!!

♥ Shannon

Friday, July 22, 2011

Keeping in Touch

You know, I really shouldn't have to put writing letters to these women on a bucket list, but I'm glad I did--any excuse to keep in touch with them is a good one. Dee Dee and Gerry put the Great in Great Aunt. They are amazing women and sensational role models.
I decided to use the opportunity to practice with watercolors a bit. The designs weren't terribly original, but I was more focused on technique than creativity.

I love traditional mail, don't you?

♥ Shannon

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What Would Journal Project

A few weeks ago, Lindsay from Scenic Glory made a post about the What Would Journal Project.

Here's how it works: Lindsay bought some cute journals, participants get them for a week to fill out with a few pages, and then they get sent back to Lindsay to go to the next person. Cute, right? Her plan is to catalog the pages so we can see what other pages look like.

I thought it was a great idea, so I offered to start another journal to help keep it going. Here are my pages:
If you love this project and you want to participate, let Lindsay know! And if you get my journal, leave a link to your pages in the comments below so I can go check them out!

♥ Shannon

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Heart on my Sleeve

This weekend I filmed a quick video of my unboxing, but I thought I'd share the outfit details with you as well.
Outfit details: Shirt/Pants: Banana Republic; Sequin Heart:; Bag/Shoes: Unknown; Scarf: Vintage

Be sure to check out the video!

♥ Shannon

Monday, July 18, 2011

Love Notes (+a Freebie!)

Happy Monday!

I just like stumbling upon fun things. I saw this print on pinterest and thought it was cute, so I decided to design my own. I hung it up in the library and had to keep myself from hiding in the bushes to watch people take them!
Feel free to download it here and hang that baby up! I like to think of people smiling when they come across it.

Speaking of love, thanks for all the kind words on my ban.dō video! You make my little heart so happy!

♥ Shannon

Sunday, July 17, 2011

my first ban.dō

I was so very excited to purchase my first ban.dō, and when I opened the packaging I thought it was too precious, so I felt the need to create a video.

Thank you to Matthew for his genius camera work and Final Cut X tips.

♥ Shannon

National Gallery of Art

One of the items on my list of 27 Before 27 is to see something new on the East Coast before I leave. In my mind, I thought I'd take a trip or something, but I accidentally stumbled upon a real treasure--the National Gallery of Art.

I've never been much into art galleries (you've seen one image of the Madonna and you've seen 'em all, right?), but I stepped into the gallery to get out of the heat and lost myself in the amazing works housed there. Here are a few of my favorite things.
Right now there is also a special exhibit featuring works by John Taylor Arms. His gargoyle sketches blew my mind. I was scolded by a security guard for standing too close to one of them. No pictures allowed, but I urge you to visit if you get a chance.

(PS: Okay, T-Rex is in the Museum of Natural History, but I never go to DC without saying hi to him. Also, editing iPhone images made me realize I need to start carrying my own camera. Time to go shopping!)

♥ Shannon

Friday, July 15, 2011

What I Wore: Painted Skirt

I love this skirt because it's bright and comfortable, and I've been getting more and more bold with how I style it. I had fun with this outfit:
Outfit Details: Skirt & Bracelets: Forever21; Blouse & Bag: Target; Boyfriend Sweater: Banana Republic; Wedges: Old Navy

Any fun weekend plans?

♥ Shannon

Did you see?

I added a contact button in my tab bar! It's because I just want to get to know you better. Feel free to send me an e-mail--I look forward to hearing from you!
♥ Shannon

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Midnight in Paris Inspired

We saw Midnight in Paris this week and it was divine-- very lovely and whimsical. It paid homage to any romantic's notion of Paris while holding onto entertaining characters and a fun story. It also doesn't hurt that I absolutely idolize Rachel McAdams...

What I really cannot stop thinking about is the fashion! Here are some of my favorite things:
Images courtesy of Sony Pictures Classic via IMDb 
The period fashion was divine--especially the headpieces--but I just couldn't get enough of the modern costume design.

Have you seen it? Did you love it?

♥ Shannon